It always depends on the model you choose for you hammock.
If you want to make a hammock with knots at the extremities (as our aerial yoga hammock 5) and add a climbing carabiner each side you will need more fabric because for the knots you might need around 2 meters of fabric.
so, for example:
- with 6m of fabric you can make a 2m long hammock (when is hanging and without considering the ropes). 2 m for the knots then 4m divided in 2 is 2m.
- With 8m of fabric you can make a 3m long hammock (when is hanging and without considering the ropes). 2 m for the knots then 6m divided in 2 is 3m.
- with 10 metres you can make a hammock with handles or an aerial sling.
If you want to make a hammock with tied with a polyamide climbing rings at the extremities as our 3.5 yoga hammock you will need less fabric but you need 2 polyamide slings 30cm.
- With 4 metres of fabric you can make a 1,7 m yoga hammock (when is hanging and without considering the ropes). Consider that you have to leave at least 30 cm at every extremity.
- With 6 metres of fabric you can make a 2,7 m yoga hammock (when is hanging and without considering the ropes). Consider that you have to leave at least 30 cm at every extremity.
- with 8 metres you can make a 3,7m yoga hammock (when is hanging and without considering the ropes). Consider that you have to leave at least 30 cm at every extremity.